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Seminar Topics

Many schools and parent groups have a general idea about the topic they wish to explore. We can discuss your ideas further to meet your needs. Below are some suggestions for seminar topics to help get you started.

Speech & Language Topics

Speech Sound Development.
What’s normal? What’s not?

Questioning in the Classroom.
Understanding children’s ability to respond to questions.

When should I refer?
Educational speech pathology. Indicators that warrant referral.

Language Development: Birth to Five Years.
What to expect and when.

Communication Disability
Understanding the nature of a communication disability.

Literacy Topics

Phonological Awareness, Phonemic Awareness and Phonics.
Explains the differences in these commonly used terms and provides practical suggestions for classroom activities.

The Literacy Tree
Explores the foundations that “grow” literate children.

Language to Literacy
The Oral Language to Print continuum.

Beyond first sounds.
Developing sound awareness for literacy success.

Schooling Topics

First Steps to School.
Getting your child ready for school learning.

Training workshops for Support Officers (ESOs & SSOs).
Maximise the ways you work with children.